How To Remove A Lipstick Stain

While taking off your favourite white top you can accidently leave the mark of your red lipstick on it. Lipstick stains are the worst because they contain highly coloured pigments, waxes and greases. If you are in such situations don’t panic because everything fades. Here are some super easy methods that will help you remove lipstick stain at home.

  1. Liquid detergent

Step 1: Scrap off the excess lipstick from the fabric with a blunt knife.

Step 2: Dab a little it of liquid detergent directly on the stain and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Rinse the area with warm water without rubbing. Rubbing can cause further damage.

Step 4: Once the stain fades, wash the garment according to the care instruction.

  1. Alcohol

Step 1: Take a clean light-coloured cloth and dampen it with alcohol (vodka).

Step 2: Blot the stain with this damp cloth. Remember, no rubbing

Step 3: Once the stain fades, rinse the area with cold water.

Step 4: Wash the garment like you always do.

  1. Hairspray

Step 1: Spray some hairspray onto the stain.

Step 2: Let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 3: Use warm damp cloth to wipe away the stain.

  1. Toothpaste

Step 1: Remove any excess product using a spoon or blunt knife.

Step 2: Dab some plain white toothpaste on the stained upholstery and gently scrub away the stain with it.

Step 3: Repeat if necessary. Once the stain is removed, rinse the area with cold water and blot it dry.

  1. Lighter fluid

Step 1: For this make sure that the lipstick is not caked on the area. Remove it with a blunt knife or spoon.

Step 2: Put a few drops of lighter fluid on a clean cloth and gently scrub away the stain with it.

  1. Use dry cleaning solvent, liquid detergent and vinegar

Step 1: If there is excess lipstick on the carpet, scrape it off using a spoon.

Step 2: Dip a clean white cloth in dry cleaning solvent and blot this on the stain until it soaks in.

Step 3: If the stain removes, then mix 1 tablespoon liquid detergent, 1 tablespoon vinegar and 2 cups of warm water.

Step 4: Sponge the stain with this solution.

Step 5: Use cold water to remove the solution and blot dry the area.

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